Apakah kalian Bingung membuat secangkir kopi dalam bahasa inggris ( How to make a cup of coffee ) Sebenarnya ini mudah. Ikuti petunjuk dibawah ini.
Procedure to make it!
*. water
*. a spoon of coffee powder
*. 2 spoons of sugar
*. First, boil water.
*. Second, put a spoon of coffee powder and 2 spoons of sugar into a cup.
*. Third, put the boiling water into the cup.
*. Fourth, stir well
itulah contoh Procedure text untuk membuat Secangkir kopi, lihat contoh procedure textmakanan dan minumanlainya juga di kategori Belajar.

*. water
*. a spoon of coffee powder
*. 2 spoons of sugar
*. First, boil water.
*. Second, put a spoon of coffee powder and 2 spoons of sugar into a cup.
*. Third, put the boiling water into the cup.
*. Fourth, stir well
itulah contoh Procedure text untuk membuat Secangkir kopi, lihat contoh procedure textmakanan dan minumanlainya juga di kategori Belajar.
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